Thursday, January 6, 2011

Task 2- Invertebrates

- Without  spinal column 
- Multicellular
- Eukaryotic
- Motile
Mode of nutrition: ingesting food (either on plants or other living things)
Examples: Protozoa, Annelids, Mollusks, Echinoderms, Crustaceans, Arachnids and Insects


-Have a soft limbless body (bilaterally symmetrical)
-Cold blooded
-Single-celled eukaryotes 
-Reproduce by splitting in half
-Their body is segmented both internally and externally 
-Have long cylindrical body
-Have a hardened exoskeleton 
-Have paired jointed appendages 
-Have 3 body parts
-All insects grow from eggs 
- All have gills
- Excretory organs are near the antennae or maxillae (the jaw or jawbone)
- All marine
- Known as spiny-skinned animals

Key Characteristics of Invertebrates

-Invertebrates do not have a backbone

-Invertebrates do not have a cranium


Done by: Stacey, Naveena, Gwen and Michelle


  1. 1. I have learnt that Invertebrates do not have a spinal column, and neither do they have a cranium.

    2. I have discovered that invertebrates do not have an internal skeleton made of bone, instead, they have a fluid-filled, hydrostatic skeleton. Others have a hard outer shell.

  2. I have learnt that invertebrates do not have a spinal column and a cranium. Invertebrates are also eukaryotic and motile. Their mode of nutrition is by ingesting food either on plants or other living things.
    I have discovered that many invertebrates have a fluid-filled, hydrostatic skeleton, like the jelly fish or worm. Others have a hard outer shell, like insects and crustaceans. There are many types of invertebrates. The most common invertebrates include the protozoa, annelids, echinoderms, mollusks and arthropods.
    ~Jia Le

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  4. I have learnt that arachnids (spiders) are invertebrates.
    I have discovered that invertebrates make up 95% of all the animal species.

  5. I have learnt that most animals are invertebrates and that insects take up most of the population living things. I also learnt the the human population is just a small fraction compared to the world. I also learnt that all crustaceans have gills to breathe.

  6. From this reading I have learnt there are different types of vertebrates.
    For example there are mollusks, protozoa, annelids, arachnids, insects, crustaceans and echinoderms.
    I have also learnt that invertebrates do not have a cranium.

    I have discovered that there are 97 invertebrates to every 3 vertebrates.


  7. I learnt that invertebrates have no spinal column and an example is corals, jellyfish and octopus.

    I discovered that the simplest invertebrates and simplest animals are sponges ( which are animals which live in marine and freshwater habitats).

  8. I have learnt that invertebrates have no spinal cords and has segmented bodies.

    I discovered that invertebrates take up 95% of the whole worl.

  9. I have learnt that insects, despite their straight exoskeletons, do not have backbones.
    Invertebrates like ants have do not a cranium to protect their brains.
    I have learnt the the spinal column hold the spinal cord.
    I discovered that, if the evolution theory is true, all life had originated from simple life under water.

  10. I have learnt that crustaceans are called spiny-skinned animals.

    I have discovered worms which are invertebrates, don't have rigid skeletons, instead, they use something like hydraulic pressure.

  11. I have learnt that the excretory organs of a crustacean are near the antennae or maxillae (the jaw or jawbone).

    I have discovered that invertebrate are often studied within the fossil discipline called invertebrate paleontology.

  12. I have learnt that invertebrates occupy 98% of all living things.
    i have discovered that invertebrates cannot adapt as fast as other living things.
